Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Vote Your Voice

I voted  in the Massachusetts primary today.

I'm lucky that I vote in a beautiful wood-paneled Town Hall, where the poll workers are retired teachers who taught my kids. I'm lucky that we have good old-fashioned paper ballots that you fill out with a Sharpie and that I live in a state where all the names on the ballot—in all the parties—are good, intelligent people who, even though I may disagree with their methods, want to work to make my state a better place.

As Tip O'Neil said "All politics is local," and he's right. What happens at a local level—at the primaries, at the  races for State Representative and Attorney General—affect the national political scene. Yet people don't vote. Today in Boston as of 3pm, voter turn out was at 12 percent. TWELVE PERCENT?! How can we complain about the outcome of our elections when only 12 percent of us vote?

So get out and cast your ballot. If you've already voted, call your neighbors and remind them that the polls are open 'til 8pm. If you haven't registered—register. Voting is your voice. 
It's your patriotic duty and it's your privilege to raise it every chance you can. 

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